why did islam spread so quickly document a answers

Why did Islam Circularise Thusly Cursorily? Vocab &adenylic acid; Questions to love for future QUIZ

December 5

The Spread of Islam Things to Know


  1. hedonist
  2. Ka'ba
  3. Muhammadanism
  4. Muslim
  5. cultural dissemination
  6. moneymaking
  7. caravan
  8. Ummah
  9. Ghazu
  10. Jihad
  11. Kalif

Short Suffice:

  1. Why did Mohammed leave Mecca for Medina?
  2. Why was Mecca a trade in center for the Arabian Peninsula?
  3. What two empires existed at the time Islam began to circularise?
  4. What three religious groups one could detect in Mecca before Muhammad's revelation?
  5. What were the deuce intense ideas at the root of Islam?
  6. What was the purpose of the Ghazu before the pass aroun of Islam?
  7. How did Muslimism deepen the purpose of the Ghazu?

Midterm Study Scout

November 13

This is the Mid Term Subject Guide that will get on Thursday November 19.

Stake Test for the Mideast Complete 1516


What is it?

Islamic Civilization: Its contributions to world culture DBQ

Nov 10

This non so mini-DBQ is to beryllium used to get up students for our major DBQ and testament leave students with the opportunity to practice analyzing documents, formulating a title statement, citing sources and authors, determining if a root is a primary or indirect reference, pulling excerpts from quoted from documents and stating how that excerpt supports their claim, and drawing conclusions.  Sounds like a lot, and yes information technology is, but we bequeath equal "chunking" the process to make is appetizing. What follows is the DBQ that students will get along Tuesday, Nov. 10.  It will flow from on Friday, Nov 20.  Students should have already completed Documents 1 and 2 which were assigned last week and checked for completing.  If you did not do information technology I will check again Tomorrow, Get hitched with. Nov 11.

Islamic Contributions DBQ Complete


What's up for the following pair off weeks

November 10

Economies in the Central Eastbound Unit 4 Learn Draw

Mon 11-09 Merchandise Barriers/Specialization/Econ. Analyse Guide…and we finished up the Economics of the Middle East Power Point notes—homework was to stopping point 4 questions on back of Econ. of ME note page and 4 questions on Trade Barriers page.

Tue 11-10 Radical Economic footing/Vocabulary

Wed 11-11 Econ. Study Guide Review

Thur 11-12 Econ Quiz and something else

Fri 11-13 Why is this day considered unlucky—terribilis est locusiste —Population Pyramids including a trip to Egypt

Mon 11-16 Recapitulation Geo & History of SWAsia

Tue 11-17 Review Gov't. & Econ of SWAsia

Midweek 11-18 Meditate Guide Review and use essay writing

Thur 11-19 MID-Terminus TEST of SWAsia

Fri 11-20 DBQ Q & A  Due and article "Was information technology a mistake to retire from Iraq" Upfront Magazine article analysis


Drink at the river of knowledge and never be satisfied.

AC Soc St Political economy

November 5

Below you should happen a powerpoint and a worksheet to fat from the powerpoint.

Economic Systems of the Middle Eastbound

Economic Systems of the Mideast Chart

Marking the Text

Nov 4

Students should take realized marking the text and questions from articles, Are cell fones making us imbecilic? and Dangling up on cellular telephone phones in cookery for a Uncommunicative Socratic Seminar to do hopefully on Thursday of this week.

Nowadays we will live marking the text for an opinion piece "School vs Smart set in America's Unsuccessful Students" School vs

Economic science PPT

November 4

Beginning Economics Unit of measurement—here is a PowerPoint we will be looking at to help.


The note pages under will be done in class from the Unripe Text edition

Economics 101

Political economy Understanding 1

Economics Understanding 2

Economics Understanding 3

Economics Understanding 4

DBQ for Social Studies

November 3

We will begin workings through documents over the month that will help students brace oneself for a major DBQ [Document Based Questioning] after the Thanksgiving break.  What follows are notes and the first-class honours degree text file we conduct with.

Muslim Contributions DBQ pageboy 1


  • underline source and writer
  • in margin state whether primary or secondary source
  • underline a quoted section of excerpt that you might use
  • in edge excuse how the quote supports your claim from the Essential Question

Islamic Civilization: Its Contributions to World Finish

Historic Context:

The Muslims hereditary a good deal from Greek, Rome, and India and adoptive very much from the people they conquered.  Because of their tolerance of else cultures, they were healthy to advance scholarship in several areas to the highest dismantle at that time.  Equally a result, Muslim achievements stand out and have a lasting impact on world cultures.

Directions: The following question is based on the accompanying documents in Part A. As you analyze the documents, take into account both the source of the document and the author's point of though.  Be sure to:

  1. Cautiously read the text file based question. Consider what you already know more or less this topic. How would you answer the question if you had no documents to try?
  2. Straightaway, read each document carefully, underlining key phrases and words that address the document based question. You English hawthorn also wish to use the margin to make brief notes. Answer the questions which follow each question. As wel underline the author and source and in the margin United States Department of State whether is is a primary or secondary source.
  3. Settled on your own knowledge and happening the information found in the documents, formulate a thesis or claim that directly answers the Essential Question.
  4. Organize supportive and relevant information into a brief outline.
  5. Write a well-organized examine proving your thesis/lay claim. The essay should be logically presented and should include data both from the documents and from your possess knowledge outside of the documents.

Life-sustaining Question: What were the most momentous Islamic achievements? Wherefore were the Muslims competent to make much important contributions you bet did these contributions impact the world?

Part A. The following documents wish assistance you understand Islamic achievements. Examine each written document carefully, and answer the questions that follow.

Document 1

This excerpt, from the textbook World History: Patterns of Fundamental interaction (Beck, Angry, Naylor, Shabaka. Evanston, IL. McDougal Littell, 1999), explains wherefore Muslims some retained extant knowledge and extended it.

"Muslims had practical reasons for supporting the achievements of science.  Rulers welcome qualified physicians treating their ills.  The faithful … relied on mathematicians and astronomers to calculate the multiplication for prayer and the direction of Mecca … Their posture reflected a deep-seated curiosity about the world and a quest for accuracy that reached back to … Muhammad himself.  After the fall of Rome in AD 476, Europe entered a catamenia of upheaval and chaos, an era in which scholarship suffered…. In the precocious 800's … the House of Wisdom opened in Bagdad.  At that place, scholars of different cultures and beliefs worked … translating texts from Ellas, India, Persia, and elsewhere into Arabic."

What were the reasons for Muslims interest in learning?

why did islam spread so quickly document a answers

Source: http://www.cobblearning.net/mirving/page/5/

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